11 Replies to “[wallpaper] Starry Rainy Night”

  1. 와~!! 전 닥터에서 고흐에피도 생각나네요. ^^ 근데 밤하늘 쳐다보면서 차 마실 수 있는 남자가 전 없군요. ㅠㅠ(부러운 스컬리언니님 짜응!!!)

    1. 암만 미우니 고우니 해도 스컬리 옆엔 멀더가 있습니다. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

  2. oh it’s so beautiful! the style is different from the others you have done before. i love that umbrella, and the iced tea (or coffee?) :)
    p.s. for the past 4 months, i use only your XF wallpapers <3

  3. 요즘 컴을 거의 안 켜고 살아서 이제야 벽지 봤어요. 보자마자 깔고 글 남겨요.ㅎㅎ
    제 취향이에요. >.< 느낌 참 좋네요. 다정히 양산 쓰고 별 보는 건가요?ㅎ

    1. @디오티마 / 헷 제가 근래 고흐 그림이 또 좋아져서.. 이러고 있습니다. ^^;;

  4. Aww! This reminds me of the Doctor Who episode with Van Gogh (Moffat again haha)
    By the way, the Sherlock/X-Files wallpaper you did made me think about the constant comparison between Hannibal and the X-Files. I don’t know if you ever want to do that, but it’s just an idea. (AND I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU DO IT)

    1. @Jessy / Yes, you got it. Van Goch episode of Doctor Who was so good. Lovely episode.
      Hmm maybe it takes a time. Hannibal and The X-Files, I will try.

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