Cartoons from “UNKLE – Broken – The X-Files: I want to Believe” (2)

Many of viewers want to know the Korean words on “UNKLE – Broken – The
X-FIles: I want to Believe”. I put the translations of the dialogues and some notes as
possible as I can. Enjoy it!

** spoiler warning **

Part II

previously on part I

사용자 삽입 이미지whitney: Oh my spooky geek is even a good runner!!

사용자 삽입 이미지Whitney: FOX!!!!!!!!!!

사용자 삽입 이미지A patient: She is a scary doctor….

사용자 삽입 이미지Scully on the Phone: LISTEN TO ME!
Drummy: She is really loud…

사용자 삽입 이미지Scully: Car is there, cell phone is here….
Skinner: Scully calm down… (It’s not who you are)

사용자 삽입 이미지Mulder: … Anybody can speak in English?!!
Everybody in the operation room: …. what…? (Is that not urgent right now, huh?)

사용자 삽입 이미지Skinner: He wouldn’t do anything crazy.

사용자 삽입 이미지Skinner: Well, not *overly* crazy.
(Actually he did a lot)

사용자 삽입 이미지Mulder: Sorry about your car.
Scully: You knew what you did.

사용자 삽입 이미지Mulder: Cold.

사용자 삽입 이미지Mulder: Maybe it’s an answer.
Scully: This… this is the reason I let you tag along.

사용자 삽입 이미지Mulder: When you go to home, …uh… buy something delicious snacks…

사용자 삽입 이미지

I wish you enjoy it.

It’s the end of the article. :)

19 Replies to “Cartoons from “UNKLE – Broken – The X-Files: I want to Believe” (2)”

  1. 그러고보니 스컬리는 극장판 1,2편에서 ‘내 말 잘 들어욧!!’한 거 같네요.
    건물폭파 대피 시킬 때랑 드러미요원의 시큰둥한 반응에.

  2. ‘멀더’는 우선 다리가 기니까 뛰는건 자신 있다는!
    ‘엑스파일’에서는 ‘멀더엄마’,’스컬리 엄마’그리고 ‘스컬리’외
    다른 사람이 ‘폭스’라고 부르면 다들 뒤가 좀 안좋은데…
    ‘파울리’,’카린’과 이번 극장판의 ‘다코타 휘트니’요원!

    마지막에 ‘멀더’가 ‘스컬리’에게 맛있는것좀 사오라고 부탁한건
    혹시 ‘멀더’의 주식인 ‘해바라기씨 일까요?

  3. “차 미안해요”는 데이빗의 애드립이었다고 합니다!
    마지막 보너스 장면에서는 원래 스피도를 입고 찍기도 했다고 합니다! ^^

    1. 오죽하면 급하게 반바지 입혀서 찍었을까 싶어서.. 솔직히 보고싶지는 않아. ^^

  4. 어째… 영화보다 카툰이 더 재미있는…ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ 저도 스피도 버젼이 궁금하군요. ㄲㄲㄲㄲ 그리고 역시나 애드립을 안 하고는 못 견디는 DD…

  5. You continue to impress me worry!! What a wonderful piece of art. Really appreciate what you did and I’m your big big fan!!

    XPhile in Hong Kong

    THIS is the movie! Why Chris didn’t ask you to (re)make the story?
    Im your fan, lady. Kisses (and aplauses) from Spain!

  7. Gloria/ I’m so glad the people who remember me like you – thanks, Gloria!
    secret comment/ It’s you! :) He doesn’t know where is Korea, I guess. ^^;; Thanks. Holiday Greeting from Korea.

  8. Awe. These make me so happy.
    I love that these characters live on through your drawings.
    Your drawings really do add to the characters.
    Well done. ^^

    1. Thanks a lot, Sukie. You give me more reasons that I should keep drawing!! :D

  9. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! “Buy some delicious snacks” !!! I LOVE it! :)

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