[wallpaper] Hand on Torch

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

note of this month’s wallpaper:

There is a protest against US beef imports in South Korea. Many people stand on the streets with candle lights on their hands. The president Lee’s goverment ordered a harsh suppression to the police and so many citizens are injured seriously. It’s so shamed to talk this – this demages throw me into despair that the Korean elected a monster who doesn’t care democracy and who can ruin our counrty.

But I do see the hope in the candle lights. People didn’t use violence during the protest, and even they didn’t lost their humor sense. (When the marshal of NamDaeMun Police ordered to break up with speker, people answered: “Sing a song!” then “Now Dance!” then “No singing, no marriage.” (It’s a Korean joke making someone to sing)) I am so grateful for their courage and humor. These days are sucks, but I can keep holding the hope.

It’s a sequel of that wallpaper :)

5 Replies to “[wallpaper] Hand on Torch”

  1. 저도 한가닥 희망을 가져봅니다. 촛불집회 참가자 모두들 힘내세요.

  2. 워리님, 존경합니다. ^^ 5월 2일 처음 시작된 촛불집회가, 24일 집행부 없이 시민들의 자체적인 가두시위로 진화하더니, 6얼 6일 현충일을 기점으로 새로운 국면에 접어든 것 같습니다. 좀 더 활발한 논의를 통해서, 정부와 국회를 압박할 수 있는, 평화적이며, 합법적이고, 더욱 국민의 뜻을 하나로 결집할 수 있는 방법이 곧 나올 것이라고 믿습니다. 그리고 저도…새삼스럽게 우리 국민의 해학과 풍자에 반하고 있다는…ㅎㅎㅎ

    1. 지금까지 촛불을 끄지 않아준 여러분들께 제가 더 존경과 감사를 드려야죠. 이 카테고리가 유일하게 외국인들이 와 주는 곳인지라 -.-;; 나름 활용했습니다. 오늘 컨테이너 박스 테트리스 보고 경악을 했는데요.. – -;; 앞으로는 사람들이 진짜 압박이 무엇인지 화끈하게 알려주게 될 거 같아요. (개인적으로는 소환제를 통해 우회적으로 한나라당을 압박하는 게 제일 그럴싸하게 들려요)

  3. Thank you. For the wallpaper -a little wonder every month!- and this new. I didn’t hear nothing about that, nothing about candle lights, nothing about people who fight with hope and humor. Thanks from Spain! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Duckland. I know the protest is much bigger than anything only in Korea, but it’s so important for me.

      It is not only about US beef imports anymore, now it is the barometer of Korean Democracy – Lee’s goverment deny all of mutual communications and procedures with Korean people. Lee’s goverment give up thier duty to the people, and only care of their desire. So people get fear and anger of the pricatization of medication, bank, electricity, and even water – which can destroy people’s life.

      Most of terrible thing is that: Lee’s goverment think everything will be fine for themselves if they suppress the protest with violence and hold the power of controlling the press or speech. That’s what we Korean see, that’s why I said these days are… something.

      Please, just know we Korean stand for the right of human being, not for only imports problem.

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